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《一朝醉生一梦死》第196章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《一朝醉生一梦死第196章》,请您 ,免费阅读一朝醉生一梦死大结局版第196章全文。

二次元时代的来临,人们的时代发生了改变我们的身边开始出现奇迹·······烹饪大师要去《食戟之灵》中的烹饪学院毕业才能算是证明?剑术大师起码要在《刀剑神域》中把剑术练到满级?魔法大师?你在《妖精的尾巴》中你圣十排名第几?本科毕业生?刚才“魔法科高校”的毕业生我们都没收!来吧!进入... 二次元暴动

他挑起她的下巴:“做我的女人!”她愣了愣,随即嫣然一笑:“好!”她以为自己能走进他的心,在知道自己有多么可笑之后,她悲痛的离开了。再次相见,他变得一无所有,她挑起他的下巴:“以后跟着我,你的什么我都包了!”他:“好!”从此她就天天是“夜夜笙歌”,总觉得自己是落入了他早就设计好的圈套里,只是为什么没谁告诉她这个世界是有妖的,她的枕边人就是妖 狐王来袭盛宠独家冷妻

咱们的男主角在第一次女装时,偶然获得了“女装系统”,然后走上被兄弟看上的生活。 “喂喂!我把你当兄弟,你别过来啊!” 系统总想让我变身

重生归来,剧本不对啊!  鬼界入侵,全民修炼,唯有灵师才能拥有一席之地。  想要过上好的生活,唯有成为至强灵师,甚至九品仙师!  鬼王冲击鬼门关,恶灵占山为王。  一阶二阶三阶……天师大天师仙师!  “好在我是最强灵师!” 重生最强灵师

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who am I? If you don’t know me, you can go to the hospital! Yes! I am the superkid ——008!Everyone know about me ,because I saved princess long long ago ,when I was teenager ,when I listened to Jay’s songs ……when I was handsome !……“Oh! What should I do? I’m so boring now! My dear dog, can you tell me?” I said to my dog, but my dog did nothing. It was eating its lunch.“Oh! My dog! I gave you a name called ‘Tomato ',because you are red .But your brain is a real tomato ——have nothing in it !”I said. But something different was happened suddenly! My foolish dog began to talk with me!“No! 008!I’m a superdog. Before I met you, I lived above the sky! Then a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN told me that I should give you a mission when you have 7stars on you feet.” I raise my smelly feet and discovered there were 7black points on my smelly feet. “It is the time to tell you the truth! You have to saved princess in Dark Castle immediately. It’s your mission. And I’ll help you, I can change in anything I like!” Soon my dog became a potato .I knew ,I must trust it at that time ——It’s a super dog ! ——I have a super dog !Then my dear dog Tomato told me that when I went to Dark Castle .I‘ll met a lot of monsters. And I must win them .At last, saved the BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. And if I can do it I‘ll have something surprising and exciting.So I went to Dark Castle with my Tomato .And Tomato gave me a sword ,a shield and a pair of flying shoes.(I don’t know what shall I say now ,but I know something will be interesting next !I promise! I believe! So let’s read this interesting story together .To see what will happen next? And what about the dog, Tomato?! Next, we’ll tell you something about THE DRAGON AND 008!) By Ada TheAdventuresOfSuperkid

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