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神秘少年穿越天路,来到异界。体内龙血沸腾,成就神话,一路披荆斩棘,登上强者最巅峰,让一切颤抖在双脚之下! 傲天武神

In this dark psychological thriller, a wealthy husband turns up dead, and his abused wife is charged with the crime. She calls Riley for help—and yet it seems clear she is guilty.But when another wealthy, abusive husband turns up dead, the FBI is called in, and FBI special agent Riley Paige wonders: is this all a coincidence? Or could this be the work of a serial killer?What ensues is a game of cat and mouse, as Riley Paige realizes she is up against a brilliant and unpredictable killer, one without a clear motive—and one determined to keep on killing until he is caught.An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE TRAPPED is book #13 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. OnceTrapped

前世社畜今世一朝穿越,觉醒天极天赋,出现天地异乡象,日月星辰尽在手中,弹指间灰飞烟灭,  看一代天才林沈龙开始属于他的传奇搞笑历程..... 关于修仙的那些事

他,自小便是唯我独尊,别人对他只能是服从,从小便是培养出了无与伦比的王者气势。对于一个小小的文员本不屑一顾,可惜他遇到的是她——余泠泠,一个有能力有头脑的“哈士奇”! 对于打破自己一贯习惯的人,他向来不手软,对她也不例外。斗智斗勇,却发现对她,他却是越相处越喜爱,到最后的无法自拨。他为她,倾尽一生,只为护她一世,她对他,绞尽脑汁,只想离他远远的。 昨夜雨潺潺

分手后见的第一面,他把她摁在床上,嗓音低哑:“怎么?怕我?”怎么会不怕?当初她可是把他伤得遍体鳞伤。江柠想躲。千躲万躲,他却成了她的“小舅舅”。两人人前客客气气,背后却纠缠不清。他一次次把江柠摁在床上,“柠柠,我们契合的这么完美,复合吗?”“不考虑。”她冷冷拒绝。回应她的,只有男人数不清的折磨。她一次次求饶,男人却无动于衷,“复合?”拒绝一次,就是一次折磨。叫天天不灵,他只想听到那一声“复合”。 极致诱哄她被前任小舅舅撩爆了

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