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农业研究院的天才科学家一朝穿越到了疯癫痴傻的希泽国尚书府大小姐身上。 还被人包装成了礼物送到了身有腿疾的王爷床上。 一旦嫁入王府,那就是终生牢笼,她再聪明也不会再有自由。 但是这个据说身有腿疾的王爷居然……站在她的面前? 她才发现这竟然又是一场骗局! “我的王妃,惊喜吗?” “……”惊喜个毛! 庶女惊华废材傻妃权天下

大周第一刺客,穿越到全网黑女星身上,参加一档荒岛求生直播节目。别人睡帐篷,她自己盖房子。别人吃饼干,她徒手捞海鲜。别人惨兮兮讨生活,她耕田种地,养鸡酿酒,小日子过得何止两个滋润。逼着黑子都转了粉:“老板,要黑安若翘,得加钱了!”蓝鳍金枪鱼是她开胃凉菜,鲍鱼大虾是她日常零食,好好的求生节目变成了美食栏目。白酒、药酒直播制作,硬生生拉高中酒股票。织布、剪裁......一套套汉服展现在观众面前,逼得某宝不得不出仿版应对。她准备好退休,突然被告知外面还有一个世界,头差点掉了。“你们有多少人?”导播以为她问她的粉丝量:“至少千万吧。”她一惊,捏着刀的手在颤。这么多人,她、她杀不过来...... 开局直播荒野求生她爆红全球

你可曾想过,在交错的时空中,在另一个世界里,还存在着一个你。在你的时空里,你,深爱着他。而在那个时空中,他却,一心想杀掉你。 时空逃杀

我叶歆就算变成了小可爱也不会甘愿被欺负的!我要崛起才不要被反过来! 大姐姐:小可爱乖乖站好! 叶歆:是~ 变成小可爱也不要被大姐姐欺负

An inventive reimagining of the story of Jason and the Argonauts, this novel by renowned poet and classicist Robert Graves brings heroic figures of Hellenistic myth to life. Graves’ Jason is belligerent, energetic, and full of life, and the society Graves builds for him is outlandish and deeply invested in ancient cults.Against this primitive, religious backdrop, the charismatic Jason assembles a crew and sets out to retrieve the sacred gold-trimmed fleece that is sacred to Zeus, and that has been stolen by worshippers of the Triple Goddess. Accompanying him is Hercules, a brave warrior known more for his brawn, and his astonishingly good luck, than his brains. Robert Graves builds a compelling world that sets Hellenistic magic and mystery in a surprisingly gritty, realistic setting, a fascinating read for fans of Greek mythology. HerculesMyShipmate

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