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“何时杖尔看南雪,我与梅花两白头。”海千漫为了完成爷爷交给她的特殊任务,来到伽元大陆成为海晴岫(xiù)。然而事情的发展远远超过她的预期——任务的关键物品不知所踪;变成“文盲”加废柴;被卷入各种危机和阴谋……爷爷的真正目的是什么?她和伽元大陆的人们之间又会有怎样的喜怒哀乐悲欢离合?海千漫进了天一宗的百草园之后,很多人物就会陆续出场啦,比如,哥哥海霁屿、尊主、阿阇罗、九夕澜、神秘大叔……唔,文案就先写这么多吧,剧透太多到后面就没惊喜啦。么么哒~ 海澜谣

Kid-genius and inventor Frank Einstein loves figuring out how the world works by creating household contraptions that are part science, part imagination, and definitely unusual.In the series opener, an uneventful experiment in his garage-lab, a lightning storm, and a flash of electricity bring Frank inventions-the robots Klink and Klank-to life! Not exactly the ideal lab partners, the wisecracking Klink and the overly expressive Klank nonetheless help Frank attempt to perfect his inventions.In the fourth book in the series, Frank-along with his best friend, Watson, and Klink and Klank-once again finds himself in competition with his classmate and archrival T. Edison and his sign-language-speaking sidekick, Mr. Chimp, over Frank newest invention: the EvoBlaster Belt, which allows the user to evolve and devolve into other forms of life, blasting from one species to another. FrankEinsteinandtheEvoBlasterBelt(FrankEinsteinseries#4)

闺蜜婚礼上,仗义挡酒,强抢良家妇男当老公!!" 腹黑老公你走开

仙帝逆转时空回到过去,只为与你长相厮守。 仙帝的恋爱日常

“师兄,我冷!”惨白的皮肤,青红的脸色,杨树林瞬间惊醒!本以为只是一场噩梦,却不想他被强行开了鬼眼……红颜白骨笑,古墓鬼婴泣,万人坑招魂。是巧合?还是阴谋?杨树林无暇顾及,现在的他只想活下去,可是一双阴狠的眼睛已经盯上了他…… 画尸

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