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一心想要享受松弛步伐做全职女儿的郝佳却偏偏无法停下来,安静地整理未来的人生之路,而一心想重返职场的全职主妇程晴却遭遇了35岁的就职门槛和无法摆脱的育儿压力。 一个是大家眼中年纪轻轻的“啃老族”,一个是大家眼中依附丈夫活着的“寄生虫”。 他们无法理解对方的人生,又完全能体谅这种“全职家人”的无奈。 全职家人

慕小凡失恋了,失恋之后却撞上了大人物!大人物长得很帅,就是脾气有点坏。她迷糊、大条。他冷傲、腹黑。小白兔遇上了大灰狼,注定要栽了! 总裁的钻石萌妻

法书欣穿到书里当女配,看她如何得到空间,当一个佛系小仙女 穿书女配之有空间

转生原神璃月,出生就获得神之眼和一部神秘剑经。拜师留云借风真君,十余年苦修,最终依靠剑经另类成仙。自从他下山以后,提瓦特大陆便开始流传起了有关一位璃月剑仙的事迹........ 原神开局成为璃月剑仙

This third book in the series takes a dark twist, as Sabrina and Daphne get closer to uncovering the truth about their parents. Coming face-to-face with their parents' kidnappers, the sisters are stunned when one of them turns out to be the world's most famous fairy-tale character (hint: she wears red) and the other an unstoppable killing-machine known as the Jabberwocky. Without the presumed-dead Mr. Canis (aka The Big Bad Wolf) fighting at their side, the girls have little hope that they'll ever be reunited with their mother and father. That is until their long-lost Uncle Jake returns home with stories of a weapon that can kill the Jabberwocky - a weapon so powerful that it had to be shattered into many pieces. TheProblemChild(TheSistersGrimm#3)

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