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《超级网购系统》第121章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《超级网购系统第121章》,请您 ,免费阅读超级网购系统大结局版第121章全文。

雇佣兵王陈扬回归都市,只为保护战友的女神妹妹。繁华都市里,陈扬如鱼得水,,逍遥自在。然而,是龙终归要翱翔于天,陈扬为了保护美女总裁妹妹,无意中得罪了少林俗家弟子这个恐怖的集团。他要用铁拳,更要用智慧来化解这一桩桩麻烦。且看一代兵王如何用铁拳和智慧打下一片商业帝国…… 女神的贴身侍卫

Story of Edith&Andre: “O’Lady Liberty divine!For thee alone, my life I’d resign:I beseech all to carve thy name so fair,On my tombstone, for all to stare.”“This is a love poem for me?”Edith couldn’t help muttering resignedly. But what else could she do? Her lover was a stoic little leader! Every time she complained that he was always working tirelessly, Andre would smile and whisper in her ear, “Have you not heard? ‘A revolutionary only finds rest in his grave’.”It seemed like an ominous omen when he ultimately had neither a grave nor a tombstone.The only thing Andre left her was a small notebook with a red cover. The front page was inscribed with neatly written words: Love, Compassion, Liberty.The final pages remained blank, but at the very end was a small line of pencil writing, already smudged and faded. Each letter was bold and alive, revealing the profound happiness and fervor of the writer: “Liberty is the right to love and to be loved.”Story of Fiona:Little Fiona always thought that she lived in a world entirely separated from those wealthy girls, until this barefooted waif became a little Marchioness overnight. She had two fathers, one grand and handsome like a god, the other short and frail like a reed. They believed in completely different philosophies - the latter left her mired in poverty and shame, while the former pulled her into a heaven full of dignity and glory.Fiona chose one and abandoned the other. She felt she lacked nothing: beauty, wealth, honour, and love. Until she met that angel in the scarlet dress again. A century later, the old soldier who ended Fiona’s life recalled her in his memoir: “I felt that old lady was a blaze of fire. I aimed at her, shot, and she fell. But bullets could never snuff out flames.”What romantic entanglements will fate weave for these noble souls? LoveatDawn

六年前妻离子散,家破人亡,他险些命丧江边…六年后横扫诸国,化身镇世修罗!荣归故里,携手佳人,他脚踏巅峰!掀开一场血雨腥风的幕布! 镇世修罗

白加黑失忆了,本想随意而安当个快乐小保安,但无奈邂逅霸道女神,纯良友爱女医生,单纯天真校花, 彼此间碰撞出一连串纯洁的小火花。与此同时一连串的危机也纷沓而来,白加黑的记忆逐渐恢复,于是那些欺他辱他欲害他的,都在他的愤怒中颤栗,一代警界王者再度归来。 致命身份

17岁,本以为会当一辈子下人,但一场诬陷,改变了他的一生。一人一剑即可逍遥江湖。灿若舒锦,朝阳鸣凤。为你展现不一样的世界。 我欲镇压天道

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