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村后头有座囡囡山,各家生了女婴不要的都埋上边了。常听人说山上有女婴啼哭的声音……... 囡囡山魂

叶琛是一个彻头彻尾的骗子在外男神形象,分手了众多前女友,任前女友如何哀求,也不会回头有一天,因为前女友们怨气太大引来了系统,将他改造于是叶琛开始穿梭一个又一个小世界扮演渣男萌新一枚,多多关照哦 快穿之拒做渣男

刚刚被女神拒绝的叶枫,在遇到从戒指里冒出来的神仙姐姐后,生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。 神仙姐姐救救我

In paperback for the first time, the Sisters Grimm take readers to a world where fairy tales are fact and not everyone is who they seem!In book one of this bestselling series, sisters Sabrina and Daphne are sent to live with their mysterious grandmother, Relda Grimm.The sisters learn they are descendants of the Brothers Grimm, whose famous book of fairy tales is actually a collection of case files.The girls are the latest in a long line of fairy-tale detectives,and their new hometown is filled with Everafters (as magical folks like to be called)—some good and some very, very bad. When a mysterious Everafter sets a giant loose on the town, it’s up to the Sisters Grimm to save the day. TheFairy-TaleDetectives(SistersGrimm#1)

谢邀,人在玄幻世界,刚刚转生,本来是五尺男儿,现在是娇小少女。 虽然没有金手指,但是能看见别人未来的机缘啊,咱也不抢,咱就蹭蹭。 仙族圣女想要静心清莲?我带你去找,给我一片花瓣就行。 妖族... 我只是蹭个机缘她们却想得到我

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