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《凤兮天下:至尊神凰》第164章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《凤兮天下:至尊神凰第164章》,请您 ,免费阅读凤兮天下:至尊神凰大结局版第164章全文。

前世,她尽心尽力辅助太子登基却被打入天牢,被一剑刺死。重生归来,她决定擦亮双眼,撮合渣男渣女,转身投入御王怀抱,抱紧御王大腿。本已决定做相敬如宾夫妻,无奈御王独宠她一人,此生一生一世一双人。 独宠冷面皇叔求亲亲

意外来到异世界,本以为是龙傲天,结果是最废物的职业。刚刚崭露头角,真相也渐渐浮出水面 从史莱姆开始的异世界生活

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who am I? If you don’t know me, you can go to the hospital! Yes! I am the superkid ——008!Everyone know about me ,because I saved princess long long ago ,when I was teenager ,when I listened to Jay’s songs ……when I was handsome !……“Oh! What should I do? I’m so boring now! My dear dog, can you tell me?” I said to my dog, but my dog did nothing. It was eating its lunch.“Oh! My dog! I gave you a name called ‘Tomato ',because you are red .But your brain is a real tomato ——have nothing in it !”I said. But something different was happened suddenly! My foolish dog began to talk with me!“No! 008!I’m a superdog. Before I met you, I lived above the sky! Then a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN told me that I should give you a mission when you have 7stars on you feet.” I raise my smelly feet and discovered there were 7black points on my smelly feet. “It is the time to tell you the truth! You have to saved princess in Dark Castle immediately. It’s your mission. And I’ll help you, I can change in anything I like!” Soon my dog became a potato .I knew ,I must trust it at that time ——It’s a super dog ! ——I have a super dog !Then my dear dog Tomato told me that when I went to Dark Castle .I‘ll met a lot of monsters. And I must win them .At last, saved the BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. And if I can do it I‘ll have something surprising and exciting.So I went to Dark Castle with my Tomato .And Tomato gave me a sword ,a shield and a pair of flying shoes.(I don’t know what shall I say now ,but I know something will be interesting next !I promise! I believe! So let’s read this interesting story together .To see what will happen next? And what about the dog, Tomato?! Next, we’ll tell you something about THE DRAGON AND 008!) By Ada TheAdventuresOfSuperkid

一曲终尽酒未修,亭台阁空望月穿。只见浮生似虚梦,恨却困此红尘中。______________这个故事是年少时的幻想,总是在想有那么一个人“白衣胜雪,春山如笑”,风华绝代,轻语含笑,陪在他身边的女子淡雅皎洁如同天空中的明月,但其实又是那么活泼而带“狡诈”,两个人相识,相知,相伴,但命运却在他们要携手的时候无情的成为阻断他们的利器……最后风华绝代的白衣公子痛失爱人,那美好皎洁的女子却是笑着躺在心爱人的怀里,一点一点要把他看进骨子里,然后瘁然放手,鲜血染红山谷,白衣公子屏弃一切红尘,成就他与她之间那美好哀戚,百转千肠的传奇……————————————也许很狗血,但那时却是我最最美好的梦想,一个少女,黄衫少女……————————————————这个笔名是06年上初二时起的,时隔两年多,再次拾起,不知道梦是否可以延续…… 血之妖娆

他们因病相识,一个是傲娇柔软小少爷,一个是臭屁腹黑的老大,他们的父辈给予了他们高于旁人的起点,他们自己奋斗到了顶峰。他们有青涩的岁月,也有辉煌的时光,到最后,他们归于市井,过上了红尘生活。 你还有几个马甲

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