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“我就是喜欢你啊!” “你不要说我不喜欢你!” 那个他的梦

我叫何颜轩,我生活在一个繁华的都市里。 但一次次奇怪又恐怖的梦,它在现实中发生了。 我恐惧,让我不得不去寻找答案。 为什么。 午夜诡梦

这是一部精彩绝伦的科幻小说,故事情节非常生动曲折,内容丰富新颖,构思独特奇妙,很值得读者阅读。 两个地球的角斗

Kid-genius and inventor Frank Einstein loves figuring out how the world works by creating household contraptions that are part science, part imagination, and definitely unusual.In the series opener, an uneventful experiment in his garage-lab, a lightning storm, and a flash of electricity bring Frank inventions-the robots Klink and Klank-to life! Not exactly the ideal lab partners, the wisecracking Klink and the overly expressive Klank nonetheless help Frank attempt to perfect his inventions.In the fourth book in the series, Frank-along with his best friend, Watson, and Klink and Klank-once again finds himself in competition with his classmate and archrival T. Edison and his sign-language-speaking sidekick, Mr. Chimp, over Frank newest invention: the EvoBlaster Belt, which allows the user to evolve and devolve into other forms of life, blasting from one species to another. FrankEinsteinandtheEvoBlasterBelt(FrankEinsteinseries#4)

怀孕九月,被丈夫与堂姐合谋杀母取子。医院太平间内,她借尸还魂死而复生。当丈夫变成表姐夫,死敌变成好闺蜜,这出戏将以最有趣的方式展开!再活一世,她不再做单纯善良的盈弱女子。面对仇敌,她步步为营,牵引仇人不知不觉走入圈套自掘坟墓;面对家人,她用心经营,细心维护,绝不让肖小之徒有机可乘。唯一让她手足无措的,是她重生归来,多了个英俊多金,却神秘危险地丈夫…… 花好月难圆

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